The Journey of an Engel & Völkers Listing
Delivering unparalleled access and representation to home sellers with concierge-level service and bespoke marketing experiences.
Bespoke video content for your listing
We'll curate a custom marketing plan for your property, including professionally designed video content highlighting your home's best features.
Higher Standards | Packaging Your Home for Today's Market:
- Complementary Pre-Listing Staging AppointmentWe have a network of staging professionals ready to assist!
- Professional Photography
Professional Videography & Drone
Hand-Crafted Marketing & Print Materals
Appropriate "For Sale" Sign Installed at the Property
Meet Your Real Estate Advisor:
As your dedicated real estate advisor at Engel & Völkers First Coast, Dylan has the passion, integrity, and commitment to excellence to help his clients achieve their real estate goals with personalized expertise, white-glove customer service, and unparalleled representation.
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Sell My Home
We look forward to assisting you with all your real estate needs!
Our team of professionals will be with you every step of the way, from preparing your home for the sale, to handing the keys to the new buyer.